The extra income that Barça will take for an ex-canterano
Published:2/06/2022 - 11:14h
Updated:2/06/2022 - 11:14h
Barça will enter almost one million euros for the mandatory purchase option in Monchu Rodríguez's contract, who will become a Valladolid player from July 1
The FC Barcelona evaluates all the possibilities that have to his scope to generate income that help to sanear his economy. The sale of players is one of the options that the club will take in account in this market of signings, so much to increase the liquidity in his arks as to reduce the limit salarial of the staff. However, there are operations of third that also benefit the Barcelona in financial terms.
It does a year that the Barça concretised the exit of Monchu Rodríguez after six seasons in the basic football and three with index card of the filial. The one of Palma de Mallorca landed in the Granada with the letter of freedom under the arm but with several 'clauses', between which stand out an option of repurchase, the right of score in case that it was traspasado and 50% of a future sale. After a campaign in the New Stadium of The Cármenes, the nazaríes will sell him to the Valladolid.
The pucelanos will disburse one million and half of euros by his purchase, what will leave 750.000 euros in the pocket of the Barcelona from the first of July. Monchu Arrived to the Granda after a season yielded in Girona and afterwards incorporated to the Valladolid in condition of yielded during the wintry market. In said loan existed an option of compulsory purchase in case that the Andalusians descended or that the albivioletas attained the promotion to First. Both circumstances gave , by what the Barça will go out benefited.
His sportive register
Since it does life in José Zorrilla, has contested 15 commitments (six like titling) in where it accumulated two goals and four assistances. With 22 years and a value of market that oscillates the three millions, arrived to the rows of the Barcelona when had grieve 12 and kept in the inferior by eight seasons. Under the orders of Quique Setién attained to debut with the first team in Champions in front of the Napoli, tas ingresar by Antoine Griezmann to six minutes of the end.