In Italy they already see Riqui Puig as the 'new Andrés Iniesta'
Published:3/08/2020 - 17:27h
Updated:3/08/2020 - 17:27h
Riqui Puig is one of the firmest bets of the FC Barcelona of face to the future. In Italy, legends like Gennaro Gattuso or Daniele Massaro surrender to him
To day of today, Riqui Puig has turned into an important footballer of the first team of the FC Barcelona. In spite of that it is not indisputable headline, Quique Setién himself bet by his titularity in some parties, having him converted to the one hundred by one hundred in a player with dynamics of the first staff that no only is of future imponente, but also indispensable in the present.
The next appointment of Riqui Puig will be in the Champions League against the Naples, whose trainer, Gennaro Gattuso, knows to perfection to the promising Catalan midfield player. In concrete, does it from the morning of 5 August 2018, in which the FC Barcelona confronted to the AC Milan -then directed by the Italian- in pre-season. The culés lost by the minimum (1-0) but the canterano dazzled.
"We can be in front of the new Andrés Iniesta"
When finishing the party, Gennaro Gattuso undid in praises to him. "Riqui Puig is a show. See to boys that have still expensive of boy how treat the balloon is something that marvels me. I see them that they feel the football inside and is something resembled the poetry. It does time that hear to speak of him and other boys. It is something that can not cut and hit in another clone. They do not play in base to a tactical model but they keep a common idea. Have a bit of envy regarding our school", said.
This day, another legend of the Italian football, Daniele Massaro, also surrendered to him, went down to the changing room to congratulate it and even compared it with Andrés Iniesta. "Riqui Puig plays with a lot of personality, always with the head up. We can be in front of the new Andrés Iniesta", commented the legend milanista, comparing to the youngster canterano culé with one of the best midfield players of the history as it is it the manchego.
Shortly after, Riqui Puig admitted to have exchanged T-shirts with the Italian. "I have gone to look for a T-shirt that had in the bus and have done an exchange. I already knew a bit who was, have done us some photos, was Daniele Massaro, that marked us two goals in the 94, my father had spoken me a bit of him. It has said me that it had liked him a lot as it had played and if it could change me the T-shirt with him", commented.
Two years afterwards...
They have happened two seasons from this meeting in which Riqui Puig won to Gennaro Gattuso and to Daniele Massaro. This week will touch to see in action to the Catalan midfield player in a big stage as they are some eighth of Champions League against the Naples. Gattuso Will go back to be in front of the Catalan, that has options to play and that has showed that it is a resource of big calibrate for Quique Setién.