Andrés Iniesta in a party with the FC Barcelona


Iniesta, indisputable headline and dosificado by Ernesto Valverde

Published:15/10/2017 - 03:06h

Updated:15/10/2017 - 03:07h

Since Ernesto Valverde arrived to the FC Barcelona, Andrés Iniesta has not separated of the titularity. The manchego is a one of the signals of identity of the Barcelona, but the technician needs him and is him dosificando so that it was in full form

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After eight days of League, the Barça has added his first trip of the course with a tie in front of the Athletic of Madrid, against which has attained to keep invicto and to the that has been able to surpass in the intantes final. Between the eleven headlines of the Barcelona group was Andrés Iniesta, that however has lived the decisive stretch from the bench.

it is turning into Usual that the captain was one of the first replacements of Ernesto Valverde, that has decided to manage of this way the physical state of one of the most important pieces of his staff. The technician has a lot that see in the good moment so that it lives the manchego, and although it has not given him any break in shape of absence pactada, yes is them to him giving withdrawing him to time of the parties.

Since it began the course, the one of Fuentealbilla has not played to the complete any of the meetings of the Barça, although in the majority has started of start. It was near in Mendizorroza -left in the 88-, or against the Juventus -was substituted in the 83-, but always has gone out between applauses and only in an occasion began from the bench, in the visit of The Palms to the Camp Nou... Where finish leaving lesionado.

Valverde Knows that with Iniesta is simpler to keep the signals of identity of the team, in addition to that in his boots still remains a lot of magic. Beside Leo Messi is one of the guardians of the style, but if it wants that it was fine during all the season, has to save him unnecessary efforts, something that already has achieved giving him 683 minutes of the 900 that it could have played (explaining all the parties in which it has participated). It could do it of other ways, but this has been his election and for the moment works.

Messi, the contrary case

In the opposite side to Andrés Iniesta is Leo Messi, with a tremenda accumulation of minutes in this start of season that the Argentinian seems not being accusing. In total, between the Barça and the selection, the '10' accumulates 16 complete parties, a friolera of 1.440 minutes contested. In algun moment will have to stop, and it will be necessary to expect that it was not by injury. With the first eliminatory of Glass of the King in sight, could be a good occasion so that the one of Rosario take a free day. Already it touches him.