Jorge Sampaoli, abandoning the room of press in Ecuador


Sampaoli: "Luckily, the best player of the world is Argentinian"

Published:11/10/2017 - 11:17h

Updated:11/10/2017 - 11:17h

The seleccionador of Argentina, Jorge Sampaoli, did not doubt in ensalzar the figure of Leo Messi after the big gesta of the player of the FC Barcelona to classify to the albiceleste course to the World-wide 2018. "Luckily, the best of the world is Argentinian"

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After the selection of Argentina attained this Wednesday the classification for the World-wide of Russia 2018, thanks to the 'hat-trick' descomunal transformed by Leo Messi, Jorge Sampaoli did not doubt to the hour of elogiar to the player of the FC Barcelona in press conference, conscious that all Argentina owed the classification to his magic and talent.

"The football owes him a World-wide to Messi", left clear Sampaoli, adding that "it would be illogical that the most important tournament of football did not have to Messi". Fortunately for the albiceleste, detailed, the best player of the planet is Argentinian. "Luckily the nationality of the best player of the world is Argentinian, have to treat to resolve other questions so that the team do not depend only of him. Messi provided us the luck to go to the World-wide".

Sampaoli Does not have doubts that the classification for the World-wide of Russia 2018 will serve so that Argentina strengthen his game in all the lines and pass to practise a showier football, offensive and hit that the one who has starred in the last dates.

Argentina carried to Messi to the World-wide... Or to the reverse

"It was necessary to attack all what compressed to Messi and fruit of this, the group is very strong, this classification will strengthen us more to confront all what comes . The final talk was that all had to carry to Messi to the World-wide, could do and Messi helped us to classify us", said.

In relation to the party in yes, Sampaoli explained that "it complicated what had scheduled by this fast goal that annotated us Ecuador (before the minute 1), but the team had the hierarchy for revertirlo" thanks to the targets of Leo Messi, two in the first-half and another in the second. Now, Argentina already boasts to be classified for the World-wide of Russia 2018.