"Without Messi, would have won the Champions in Wembley and Rome"
Published:17/11/2017 - 15:37h
Updated:17/11/2017 - 15:37h
The ex defender of the Manchester United, Rio Ferdinand, has conceded some statements in which it has ensured that, if the FC Barcelona had not had in his rows to Leo Messi, the 'network devils' would have won the Champions of Rome and Wembley
Leo Messi has converted , since it exploded in the FC first Barcelona under the control of Rijkaard and afterwards with Guardiola and the other trainers that has gone having in the Barcelona group, in an authentic nightmare for the rival defenders, so much in parties of the day in day out as in transcendental commitments like finals of Champions League.
One of the defences that confronted to Messi in two finals of the maximum continental tournament, the ones of 2009 in Rome and 2011 in Wembley, Rio Ferdinand, has conceded an interview in which it has explained the bad that happened it to the hour to defend to the Argentinian.
"When Messi was near, is so small that went through under my arm"
In statements conceded to 'BT Sport', has defined to Messi like "the best player against which have played", and has remembered the finals of Wembley and Rome, lost with the Manchester United in front of the FC Barcelona, like "the most embarrassing nights of my life".
"Like defender, want to be near of the rival or, at least, have the balloon. We did not have the balon. And, when Messi was near, is so small that went through under my arm", remembers the ex player of the Manchester United, already withdrawn.
Messi, an authentic nightmare
And it is that Ferdinand always had a lot of problems to mark as it is because of Leo Messi, that him escabullía literally of the hands. "It tried to strike him in the breast with the arm and he went through down. It thought, 'This tio is a magician".
"All thought that, playing against that Barcelona without Messi, probably had won", adds Ferdinand. A last debatable affirmation, without any doubt, taking into account that if by a thing characterised the FC Barcelona of Guardiola was precisely by a game of team fulgurante, when having in the staff to varied of the best players of the world.