Ronald Araújo has already made a key decision regarding his injury
Published:24/09/2022 - 19:43h
Updated:24/09/2022 - 20:27h
This Saturday the serious injury of Ronald Araújo has been confirmed and from the medical services of FC Barcelona they proposed two options: go through the operating room or follow a conservative treatment. The charrúa has already decided
The FC Barcelona confirmed that Ronald Araújo suffers an avulsión in the sinew of the aductor long of the right leg. The central Uruguayan fell lesionado in the friendly of his selection against Iran (0-1) after alone twenty seconds of party. It felt a 'prick' and asked the change immediately, to return afterwards to the City Condal and subject to the different proofs to determine the scope of his injury.
The results have been very pessimistic and from the medical services presented him two options to treat his injury. It could go through the operating theatre or, by the contrary, follow a conservative treatment that would allow him that his time of recovery went much shorter. The charrúa, as they have informed 'SPORT' or 'ACE', has opted by the second alternative with the aim to arrive to the World-wide of Qatar, the next month of November.
The half Catalan establishes that during the morning of this Saturday, Araújo subjected to a resonance like part of the process to know the scope of his injury. Still they do not know the results, but the player has full confidence in that it will be able to esquivar the operating theatre and that will have time to arrive -probably forcing- to the appointment mundialista with Uruguay.
A 'hit' strong for Araújo
The grave injury that suffered has been a vase of cold water for the footballer of 23 years, as it has aimed the before quoted source. It came of a few free months of injuries and in a moment professional inmejorable, place is an indisputable headline so much in the Barça as in his selection. It is very touched by all the parties that goes to lose, but with the intention to begin, in brief, his process of recovery.
His intention is recortar the greater quantity of possible days, although all will depend on the results of the examinations and the evolution in all the process. From the Barça will not force him, place know that the consequences to future would be worse. Araújo Knows that it will lose a key month for the Barcelona picture, but will do the possible to be back prompt.