Camiseta senyera Barça


Goodbye to Nike, as it falls: Barça could 'end up' manufacturing its shirts

Published:29/02/2024 - 19:34h

Updated:29/02/2024 - 19:34h

According to information from the newspaper 'SPORT', FC Barcelona is about to make the decision to break its contract with Nike. The option of producing your own clothing has gained more strength, but it is not definitive. The roadmap will be 'drawn' during the next week

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the FC Barcelona avecinan decisive days that they can 'mark' the future of the club in several appearances. The subject of the T-shirt (and official sponsor) is the main point in the diary of the directive of Joan Laporta, but the resolution could arrive very soon. The relation with Nike is more 'broken' that never and the crisis has intensified in the last months and from the club there is very little optimism regarding the possibility that it keep the bond.

In the last days has produced an alluvium of informations regarding what can happen in the Barça and everything seems to indicate that, during the next week, will define the leaf of route rotunda regarding the subject of the T-shirt. 'SPORT' Has aimed that the club would be about to to put an end to the alliance with the company American multinational, that began in 1998. The unrest has gone in increase and would be the definite decision by part of the club, although they will look for a goodbye friendly.

BLM Goes out to the step for the Barça

The half establishes that, after the last meetings with Nike, the Catalan entity is valuing the possibility to create his own mark of T-shirts, through Barça Licensing & Merchandising (BLM), the society that created in 2018 so that the club was able to explode the business of the massive commercialisation of products ('retail'), with the aim that it could expand the mark Barça. In the actuality, produce a lot of pieces that are on sale in the 'store' culé, although it does not be necessary to overlook that in 2022, the General Assembly of Partners approved the sale of 49,9% of BLM, like part of the famous economic crowbars. The club, in spite of having green light of the partners, did not execute the operation.

Now, the intention of the culés would be to elaborate his own clothings and associate with a multinational that commission of the manufacture and distribution of the pieces. The another alternative on the table is Cougar, although the negotiations have cooled and, in fact, as it aimed in the last days the German mark had felt 'used' by the culés to try negotiate and approach postures with Nike for the improvement of the agreement.

Likely legal problems for the Barça

In any case, the Barça is expecting of a new communication by part of the sportive mark and, in case that they do not have improvements to the current agreement -that supposes 85 million euros by season-, will break the links. The aim is that it was friendly, but are conscious that Nike would sue them by incumplimiento of agreement. As they explain from 'SPORT', ""until there was a sentence, the auditors could force to the managerial board of the club to provisionar an important quantity in this concept, something that would cause a problem in the following budgets of the FC Barcelona".

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