Dani Alves, during the gala of the Italian football


Alves desvela What carried him to fichar by Paris Saint-Germain

Published:28/11/2017 - 11:19h

Updated:28/11/2017 - 14:10h

The experienced lateral of Paris Saint-Germain, Dani Alves, explained in the 'Big Galá' of the Italian football why took the decision, the past summer, to leave the Juventus of Turín to leave to the Parisian team. "I went me of Italy by the game"

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The veteran carrilero Brazilian of Paris Saint-Germain, Dani Alves, went one of the rewarded in the 'Big Galá' of the Italian football in the last hours, because of his successful go through the Juventus of Turín the past season 2016-17, and was asked after the reasons that carried him to abandon the 'Calcium' for recalar in the rows of Paris Saint-Germain, where plays this season.

"The Juventus and the Italian football have to understand that it is necessary to give a turn and look for something more"

"It wanted to do more, but did not understand my win to go up the level. In the PSG am happy because I always looked for a team that played to the football, and no by his champions", explained Dani Alves in statements conceded to 'Sky Italy', leaving a new 'recadito' for the Juventus.

Besides, it took advantage of for elogiar the game that practises the current leader of the Series To Italian, the Naples, ensuring that it is a much more European football that the one of other Italian teams like the Juventus, that according to the Brazilian have anchored .

Piropos To the Naples of Sarri

"It loves me (the style of the Naples) because it defends the word 'football', plays much better and think that all would have to take it like example to improve. The Juventus and the Italian football have to understand that it is necessary to give a turn and look for something more, go back to the past when Italy was protagonist in Europe", signalled the Brazilian player.

Without place to doubts, seems that the step of Dani Alves by the Juventus of Turín did not finish of the best way with the managerial board of the group 'bianconero', of the same way that sucedió with the relation body Alves and the directive of the FC Barcelona. Why it will be?