After some episodes complicated on the lawn and in the dispatches, the FC Barcelona has given a hit on the table and has gone back to the fight by the titles with more strength and ambition that never. The cracks are motivated and the signings arrive with the necessary hunger to win, a mix that many have stood out like definite to finish the season with several trophies.

In spite of that the interest in revalidating LaLiga and the Glass of the King is very present in the staff, the Champions is the main aim, the one who moves to all the players to react in a competition that in the last years has resisted . The group has many win to go back to reign in Europe, but at the same time has more than clear that does not go to be easy.

The one who has referred to this subject has been Luis Suárez, that has gone through the program 'Your Diràs' of 'RAC1' and has commented the Barcelona actuality, marking the way to raise again the 'orejona': "it Is very difficult to win it, and neither wins it an alone player. We do not depend only of Leo, behind him there is all a team, all a collective work".

"The Champions is very difficult to win it, and in addition to Messi, the Barça has a big team to be able to raise it"

"The other have to surrender by more than him have his big day", has explained, remembering that sometimes in the eliminatory can have surprises. "We have showed that we have to be and we can be a compact team, working all", has defended, and has admitted that "Leo, by what is like player, deserves win a lot of more Champions of which has".

Continuing with his speech, the one of Jump has underlined that there are arguments to mark put ambitious: "I Think that have sufficient quality, team and a grandísimo trainer as to be able to raise this glass. The quality that there is nowadays is necessary to value it because it is spectacular from the goalkeeper until the last player, and think that what have to do is to put all this inside the field to be able to achieve the prizes to level grupal, that is what want".

The Barça trusts can win this Champions

The one who already revealed that this wish was a feel personal but also collective was the own Leo Messi, that warned that this requirement has to be something natural in the Barça: "I Think that we have to aim to this, like club, like team and like changing room that have nowadays. Have a plantel spectacular and can do it, do not say it for saying, have a plantel to be able to compete and struggle by this competition".