It went back the Champions League to the Camp Nou and the fans follows without happening him neither one to the maximum organism of the European football. It was in the start of a meeting that began two minutes later of the normal, when the barcelonismo went back to show him his indignation to the UEFA. As in all the previous meetings to domicile, the fans loaded against the European mandators by the case of the "estelades".

Perhaps because in this meeting there was more public that in previous meetings, but the atronadora bronca of the fans retumbó more than in previous stages. Also it helped this to create an environment infernal for the Athletic of Madrid in the start of the meeting.

It fits to remember that the Barcelona group (of yellow senyera in this occasion, for more inri) still is expecting of the sentence or no after showing flags independentistas Catalans in all the meetings that the team has played in this 2015-2016 in the maximum European competition, beside the pitadas to the hymn that the delegates of the UEFA have reflected in his respective reports.

For now desconocen the movements that this organism will make to the Barça after sanctioning him economically by the party of the final of Berlin and the first meeting of this campaign home in front of the Bayer Leverkusen. The club blaugrana loomed with personarse in front of the ordinary justice in case that they follow the sanctions. With the arrival of Infantino to the presidency of the FIFA expects that the things calm .