Xavi Hernández durante un partido del FC Barcelona


All ready! Xavi's renewal, pending to be announced

Published:4/09/2023 - 20:52h

Updated:4/09/2023 - 20:52h

In the FC Barcelona have 'tied' Xavi Hernández two years more. The confidence in the trainer is maximum and the intention is to give continuity to his project, that began in November of 2021. Only it is missing the official announcement

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Recently, Xavi Hernández explained that his renewal "of the zero to the ten, is of ten". From it does some time has come negotiating a new agreement with the FC Barcelona and everything seems to indicate to that the agreement is entirely enclosed and only is missing that it was announced. In the club, there are not doubts on that the trainer is the big indicated to carry the reins of the banquilo Barcelona by the next years.

The one of Terrassa recaló in the City Condal in November of 2021 and signed an agreement until 30 June 2024, but in a year and half has won the right to renew the bond by two seasons more, until the 2026. Before leaving , Mateu Alemany seated the bases of the new agreement and will be Deco, new sportive director, the one who materialise the union by two years more, until the 2026. They will work elbow to elbow and have wanted to ensure it.

Absolute confidence in Xavi

In any moment have existed doubts on the continuity of Xavi in the bench of the Barça. At the beginning of summer all seemed to indicate to that the Catalan entity went to try close the negotiation immediately, but in front of the big urgencies of the club and the difficulties with the Fair Play financial, the operation left to be a priority. Now, everything seems to indicate to that there will be margin and will be able to concretise the renewal.

The offer, as they have coincided several sources in the last hours, already is on the table waiting for being signed after being validated by the trainer and his surroundings. It is not a worry in the dispatches neither for Xavi that it does not have intention to move to average term and that, recently, has gone back to reaffirm his intention to follow to the control of the Barcelona bench. The confidence is absolute and expect that it continue being the director of orchestra by a few seasons more.

The extra challenge for Xavi

Although they trust blindly in Xavi Hernández and all the technical team, from the club see key that in this season the Barça himself was able to step extra in the European competitions. They have had the luck that it has touched them a relatively easy group and that would not have to exist difficulties so that it concretise the classification to the eighth of final of the Champions League. It is the first step, but understand that in this campaign there is with what arrive far in the continental tournament.

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