Joan Laporta, in a press conference


CVC, the toll that LaLiga could have put on Barça to sign in winter

Published:14/03/2022 - 13:52h

Updated:14/03/2022 - 13:52h

This Monday, from LaLiga they have presented the new salary limits after the winter transfer market and FC Barcelona has been left with one of less than 144 million euros

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has happened to have a limit salarial positive of 97.942 million euros to one negative of 144.353 after the market of wintry signings, a figure 'hair-raising' and that leaves a lot of doubts in the air: How it could fichar the Barça with a so low limit? Or, more important still, from LaLiga do not take measured when they cross situations like these? Conscious that the Barcelona club has been far to fulfil his forecast of entry or the reduction of costs.

It expects that in brief the president of LaLiga, Javier Thebes, answer to all these interrogantes, because there is a lot of grey in the so delicate situation that crosses the Barcelona in the actuality, that has split of the losses of 481 millions with which the Barcelona entity closed the exercise 2020-2021. The financial reality has not been near to improve, but the club achieved to manoeuvre to achieve reinforcements: How?

It is necessary to remember that, in any case, andl Barça has not jumped some norm because to inscribe to his footballers, the club has generated income (the renegociación with Umtiti, exit of Coutinho, in addition to the wages 'minimum' of Alves, Adama or Aubameyang) to be able to inscribe with the rules '1 to 2' or '1 to 4', which establish that it is necessary to generate the double or cuádruple of what costs said player for the mass salarial, depends on which was the case.

What surprises, to fault that Javier Thebes and the commission of LaLiga offer more answers, is that the Barça have obtained a limit salarial much more inferior and that, obviously, have not fulfilled the forecasts. Has something that see with the agreement that the club culé is very near to sign with the CVC? It is a 'favour' of Thebes or species of toll so that the culés added to the agreement?

They are questions that never will know , but what himself is true is that from the Camp Nou are forced, knowing this limit, generate a big quantity of extraordinary income, plusvalías and achieve sponsorships, in plural. There it will be key that concretise the agreement with the CVC, which the Barcelona expect a "injection of resources do not have the consideration of debt and yes can annotate like an entry" taking advantage of the mercantile created for the partial sale of Barça Studios, or create a new, to which traspasaría the property of the audiovisual rights and where would give gone in to CVC, as it has desvelado recently '2playbook'.

Nuances with the agreement with CVC

The Barça wants to annotate the 270 million euros of the agreement with CVC like entry, but there is those who aimed that it is an operation with a lot of nuances that, for the moment, is complicated and even unfeasible. It has posed the possibility that, if it does not achieve the first option, arrive to an agreement to change the percentage of the total of the mount that it can use (of these 270 'kilos') for the preparation of the staff. The Barcelona would expect that pass of 15% to 30%.

Up to now, the teams that have given the "himself" have had this division: 70% of the mount total can be allocated to pay infrastructures and new investments, 15% to refinanciar the debt and to face the losses suffered by the pandemia (more than 1.000 millions) and 15% remaining will be able to use in the staff.

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