Joan Laporta and Florentino Pérez, presidents of the FC Barcelona and Real Madrid


OFFICIAL: FC Barcelona, Real Madrid and Athletic present the 'Sustainable Project'

Published:3/12/2021 - 16:18h

Updated:3/12/2021 - 16:18h

Athletic Club, FC Barcelona and Real Madrid have officially presented the 'Sustainable Project', the counterproposal to the Liga-CVC agreement, through a letter to all First and Second Division clubs

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It has arrived, of official way, the contrapropuesta of the FC Barcelona, Real Madrid and Athletic Club of Bilbao to the agreement between LaLiga and the bottom investor CVC, with which 'will mortgage' the television rights of the clubs of First and Second Division to fifty years. The three clubs had showed against of the project by his conditions and now have presented the alternative, the 'Sustainable Project', through a letter directed to the rest of teams.

In the communiqué, signed by Aitor Elizegi (Athletic Club), Joan Laporta (FC Barcelona) and Florentino Pérez (Real Madrid), have showed conscious of the dramatic financial situation that lives the Spanish football in the middle of the pandemia of the Covid-19, that has forced by long to the closing of the stadiums and also have seen reduced the income of all the clubs. Thus, Barça, Madrid and Athletic are "a rational financial solution and sustainable that allow us, to all, recover the normality and face the future with optimism".

They have ratified his opposition to the project LaLiga Impulse, that is being reformulado in "terms equally dilapidated for the Spanish football and, besides, no exento of grave irregularities (so much in the form as deep down)". Thus, considering the historical moment and complicated that lives the football, "have the duty of oponernos to an operation like the posed by The League with CVC that, in the economic plane, lastraría the future of our football".

In this sense, have stood out all the irregularities of the CVC, that "has a reduced group of financial executives, takes part in a wide diversity of sectors of our economy such as the energetic sector, textile, alimentary industry, telecommunications, restoration and infrastructures, among others", adding that the agents have announced publicly his intention of desligarse of the Project The League Promote in a time limit of "8 to 10 years".

With all this panorama, present the 'Sustainable Project', "a financial solution alternative for all, on a long-term basis, sustainable, rational and legal", which have detailed aiming that "it would allow to all the clubs of The League and of First RFEF access to the same capital offered by CVC assuming costs and terms infinitely better". Likewise, it has explained that would allow to structure the operation with a real cost and total for the clubs in the surroundings of 2.5%-3.0% annual and during a time limit of 25 years.

The comparative with the agreement CVC

The representatives of the Barça, Madrid and Athletic have explained the differences between the Sustainable Project with the proposal of LaLiga with the bottom investor CVC. To continuation, the unabridged text taken of the letter that the otres clubs have done to arrive to his homologous in First and Second Division and that also has been shared in his social networks and pages webs:

  1. "The financial cost total of the Project The League Promote, that would be borne by the Spanish clubs during 50 years, would rise to 13.100 million euros, in return of a total investment by part of CVC of 2.000 million euros (that, besides, would not credit the first day, but of form fractionated during 4 years).
  2. The financial cost total of Sustainable Project,that would be borne by the Spanish clubs during 25 years, would rise to 900 million euros, in return of a total investment by part of the financiadores of 2.000 million euros that, besides, would credit entirely to the clubs the first year, without fractionation any).
  3. According to the "basic case" presented by The League and CVC, Sustainable Project would allow to save to the Spanish clubs 12.200 million euros, being a proposal 15 more economic times that, besides, only includes commitments by 25 years, and no by 50".

Of the same way, Barça, Madrid and Athletic have stood out that his Sustainable Project looks after the complimiento of the rule (in contreto elReal Decree-law 5/2015), for being structured directly by the clubs without the direct participation of LaLiga. Thus, it explains in the communiqué that:

  • "No vulnera the direct property of the clubs on the audiovisual rights neither prejudice the rights of any third.
  • They do not employ structures and countable concepts with ends artificiosos (appearance on which the proposal posed now by The League is even more irregular, if it fits, that the one who was presented -and withdrawal- in August).
  • It does not confer to any extraneous entity to the world of the football participation any in the management and gobernanza of The League".
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