Laporta Threw him cold water to Koeman


Barça maintains the confidence in Koeman despite Bayern's win

Published:15/09/2021 - 13:24h

Updated:15/09/2021 - 14:18h

At the 'summit' that Laporta had with Alemany and Yuste, Koeman was ratified. The club still believes in the Dutchman and will give him a margin until the injured recover. The entity hopes that it will bet on young people and hope that the coach will make the team grow

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Joan Laporta, Rafa Yuste and Mateu Alemany gathered in the Camp Nou after the painful defeat of the FC Barcelona against the Bayern of Munich. The culés fell by a conclusive 0-3 against a German picture that showed very upper and that even played with the hand-held brake thrown from the 0-2. A 'KO' that has hurt in the barcelonismo and that the president wanted to analyse carefully after the duel.

Beside his men of confidence in the sportive section, 'Jan' tried to find explanations to the disaster. The three gathered during around two hours and took out several conclusions that aim in the newspaper 'Sportive World'. The first and more important is that it will follow betting for giving him continuity to Ronald Koeman​ in spite of the criticisms that there is against the Dutch after the crash against the Bavarians.

The club would follow trusting fully in the one of Zaandam and in his bet by the young talents that there is in the club. Although to many would like them that Gavi, Yusuf Demir or Alejandro Balde had more opportunities of which have had to date, can not argue that the Dutch is having they. With the left-handed side still had not explained, but after his good minutes in Champions has won more opportunities.

Besides, in the entity would have clear that the lesionados could change him the face to the team. Ansu Fati, Ousmane Dembélé and the Kun Agüero will be important this season and when they recover will be when it will be able to measure the real level of the Barcelona. Laporta Thinks that will be then when it was necessary to take decisions regarding the future of the trainer, since now it is too precipitated.

The Barça wants to give him a margin of confidence to Koeman

The technician has now of alone two healthy forwards, Memphis Depay and Luuk of Jong, in addition to Demir, that is more mediapunta that attacker to the use. Thus, they understand his decision to change of system against the Bayern, although it do not share the idea of the 3-5-2 and prefer the 4-3-3. Therefore, although it will be alert to see how advance all in the weeks to come, wants to have something of patience.

It seems that Ansu could go back along the next two weeks, something that would give a push of face to what is for arriving. For now, it expects that the team of the face and win to Granada, Cádiz and Raise in League in the next days. Afterwards it will arrive the duel to life or death against the Benfica, the Athletic of Madrid and Valencia. Dependiendo of how was the Barça for then yes will take measures more drastic with Ronald if it is that it was necessary to do it.

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