With the COVID-19, the Barça has seen how his income have reduced in the last months. The club has taken several measures to diminish the effects of the economic crisis, like the discount salarial of the first team during the month of March and the proposal of a second reduction, but the pandemia continues ocasionando losses.

In addition to not being able to sell entrances for the parties, the club has seen reduced the number of sales of T-shirts in his official shops from the start of the pandemia. Of the six 'Barça Store' that has in property the club through the management of Barcelona License Merchandasing (BLM), only four continue with a sustainable commercial schedule.

The two bigger shops (Store Canaletes and Camp Nou) have not been able to adapt to the 'new normality' in Spain and have seen extremely affected. The one of Canaletes, that was inaugurated the past 21 February, carries closed from the moment in that it initiated the State of Alarm. His rent was of 150 one thousand monthly euros and was an establishment of 1.900 metres situated in the heart of Barcelona.

In the case of the shop of the Camp Nou, the biggest of all, only has allowed to open until the 16 hours. The fault of tourists in Barcelona, to consequence of the tourist restrictions in the middle of the sanitary crisis, has ocasionado that the club have seen in the need to modify all the budgets with regard to income, as it signals the newspaper 'ACE'.

At the beginning of year, the managers of the 'Barça Store' calculated minimum income of one million monthly euros in the sale of T-shirts, but has been an impossible figure to reach. Now, the numbers will reduce even more after Generalitat go back to reduce the capacity of the shops to 30%.

To the Barça no only has affected him the crisis by the pandemia. In the month of July, to the club added him a problem more, this time with Nike, the official sponsor of the club. To final of the summer, saw in the obligation to give back all the remasa of T-shirts of the range Stadium of the season 2020/2021.

Problems of manufacture

The multinational had to give back all a batch of the most economic T-shirt because there was a very evident defect in his manufacture. The colours of the T-shirts of the range Stadium, that were the most accessible to the public by his price of 90 euros, desteñían to the moment to wash , by what had to be withdrawn of the market.

To this adds him that, to consequence of the uncertain future of Leo Messi during the summer, the sales suffered a reduction. The elastic of the Argentinian hoards 75% of the total of sales of T-shirts blaugranas. On the other hand, the 2-8 in the Champions League in front of the Bayern, subtracted a big part of the interest of the tourists to go in in shops to buy objects of the Barça.

Messi, showing his T-shirt to the Bernabéu