The midfield player manchego of the FC Barcelona, Andrés Iniesta, showed very happy by the fact that finally the Camp Nou was the headquarters of the final of Glass of the King between Barça and Athletic, and also comprised that the Real Madrid did not want to receive it

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In statements conceded to the radio program "The Party of the 12", to Andrés Iniesta seemed him well that the final of Glass of the King finish playing in the Camp Nou after in Madrid the president Florentino Pérez denied to offer Santiago Bernabéu to receive it. "It likes me. The stage is very good, and at the same time is the of less, because the important is that we are in a final. The final of Glass is a very special day, the two fans happen it to him genial, is an extraordinary day and expect that this was it also", valued the manchego.

Besides, it understood the decision of the "merengues". "You understand it by the rivalry. It is not pleasant that the eternal rival can celebrate a Glass of the King in your stadium. I think that at the end the question is that it fix a stadium to principle of season and from here that it arrive the one who arrive". Iniesta thinks that still can give a lot to the FC Barcelona.

"If it thought that I no longer can surrender to the level that have to surrender would not be where am. Obviously that in all the seasons there are moments of all type and when the things do not go out like one wishes it is necessary to follow. No everything is beautiful. Now I follow enjoying and from here what matters me is that the team achieve titles to final of season".

Finally, it ensured that the FC Barcelona has options to win the triplete this course. "I do not see it like atrevimiento in this moment of the season. We are in the final of Glass, go well in League and Champions. I understand the euphoria from the fans, but would not see it well from the breast of the team. We know that we are well, in a good line and that have near at hand important things. The past year, do not achieve at all and the feelings were quite bad. Go back to achieve titles would give us a lot of confidence of face to the future and to the summer with the elections".