Gerardo Martino, has affirmed after the defeat of his team in front of the Real Madrid in the final of the Glass of the King that the hit received is very hard because the expectations were very high

The trainer of the Barça, Gerardo Martino, affirmed after the defeat of his team in front of the Real Madrid in the final of the Glass of the King that the hit received is very hard because the expectations were very high and added that they have paid a lot expensive two actions of counterattack of the rival. The Argentinian technician has admitted that his team has controlled the game and has been near of the area of the Real Madrid, but that has created very few occasions. Martino has señalaldo that prpers have lost the final generates them pain and a big feeling of debt with the fans.

"I seat a deep pain by the defeat and by the people that supports us. This team has a lot of way for visiting and a lot of positive things for doing. I am as I have to be in these situations when there is a defeat like this. I do not find a lot of forms to have a more painful defeat but my future does not depend on this result. As I came saying in the last weeks, do not seat that my future have a change by all what lost neither neither if we had won", ensured the trainer of the Barcelona, Tata Martino, to the term of the final that his team lost in front of the Real Madrid.

From now they have to take out strengths of where escasean after a week lived by the Barça that has been described by Martino as "very hard", but that are forced to be followed in the fight by the League. Martino has not considered timely to speak of merecimientos in a final. "It has won the Real Madrid and congratulate them", signalled the Argentinian technician, that has not wanted to do individual references when they have asked after him the performance of Leo Messi.

"I remain me with the intention, with the football and with the control, although it was missing us depth", reiterated the trainer of the Barcelona, the one who stood out that after the tie to one, the party put them of face, but in one against escaped them the final. On the rival, indicated that it attained his goals in two played own of the style of the Real Madrid, that is a very fast team and with a big capacity of unfold.