Several media have affirmed that in the breast of the FC Barcelona exists big dissatisfaction with the form in which Uruguay is handling the injury of Ronald Araújo. Although the footballer has the supervision of two medical representatives of the club, from Spain sustain that the 'charrúas' would be forcing to the player with the exercises of recovery so that this available the before possible.

However, the own vice-president of the Uruguayan Association of Football (AUF) has heaved the voice affirming that it does not have knowledge of any complaint by part of the Barça, by what all would keep in order in the concentration of the team. The feelings for the debut of the 'oriental' in front of South Korea left to the expectation if the central would be taken in account by Diego Alonso for the commitment, a doubt that has been cleared by the social networks of the selection.

The official account of the AUF has desvelado the alignment and announcement of Uruguay for the meeting in front of the Asians, where the name of Araújo does not appear between the elections of the technician for the première mundialista. The one of Rivera has not gone in in the list of summoned and will continue exercising to recover his best version of face to the commitments in front of Portugal and Ghana.

It will keep on being doubt

In fact, the absence of the defender does not do more than confirming the presagios that existed surroundings to his fault of rhythm. A priori, it would not have to arrive to the party in front of the Portuguese and seems complicated also that it was faced with the African, by what his debut in the Glass of the World will have to expect to the eliminatory round in case that they classify.

Like this the things, the Barcelona breathes relieved and expects that his return was not forced in case that they need of his services in the defensive plot. It will be necessary to see as they advance the days and if it attains or not dressing the colours of the 'celestial' in Catar.