The glory of antaño in the AC Milan did not go only question of the luck that needs a team to be champion, also explained and a lot the big quantity of players of elite that had the team rossonero from the arch until the forward. In full stage of Laporta like president for the first time of the Barcelona, the enfrenamientos with the Italians did frequent.

Of these duels goes out a so important anecdote as curious, explained by Alessandro Nesta recently in an interview. When referring to Lionel Messi, the calificativos remained very short and in his expression was easy to notice as it thrilled with that memory, even when only you read it.

"It destroyed me mentally… What depressed me is that it had gone ten times in ten minutes", remembered the Italian of that crash that in 2013 planted them face to face in the field, something that will not forget never and that still today can remember with a lot of clarity and ardour.

37 years and a big experience to slopes, Champions and Series To in the list of winners of the that also heaved like champion of the world in 2006, in addition to being one of the best defences that has had the football in his history, complained of how Messi could surpass him with ease and impudence, how in 10 minutes did him feel by the floor, literally.

"In the minute ten gave him a patada and fell to the floor exhausto, could see the stars. And immediately it was me giving the hand to raise me… understand It? It was in the floor and when to the two seconds open the eyes see his face with the hand at the front that it wanted to help me to raise me. There it destroyed me mentally, there", it completed.

All surrender

Each day that happens is one less for the retreat of Messi, that already begins to see to the far, yes, far, but can see , with less explosion in the hammer and fewer effective dribblings, but what has left is inalcanzable, so much that each day a new player confirms it in some statement.