Few days backwards, Gerard Hammered, player of the first team of the FC Barcelona, was in Madrid to present a new edition of the Glass Davis. During his intervention in front of the media, the defence culé affirmed that it feels "healthy envy of Madrid", in addition to adding that the capital of Spain "is an example for Europe and for the world".

Like this then , Ada Colau,, mayor of the city of Barcelona, the one who visited the program 'LaSexta Night' this Saturday, took advantage of the occasion to answer to the words of Gerard Hammered with regard to his comparative with the Spanish capital and the Catalan city in front of the media during the important event.

"I think that speech like employer, he has projects in Madrid and seems me well that it refer like this to the city, does not suppose me any problem like mayor of Barcelona", began saying Ada Colau in front of the look of José Yélamo, presenter of 'LaSexta Night'.

It denies the assertions of the player

The mayor continued expressing: "I with Madrid have a lot of bonds, friendships and family. Madrid and Barcelona share a pile of things. I miss a bit the tone of Manuela Carmena (ex mayor of Madrid), where could visibilizar these bows of affection and of cooperation between the populations of the two cities".

After them, Ada Colau aimed that "there are two models of different city. It is not truth that Barcelona was worse that Madrid. The unemployment has gone down much more in Barcelona that in Madrid, is a very concrete figure that affects to the population, to the one who more matter him the economic data".

"Barcelona now is one of the most attractive cities for the technological investments", added the mayor to the time that defended that it is "a model of different city". "We lead the fight against the climatic change with ambitious politics that generate thousands of places of work, are the administration that more for hire social house is building right now in all the country, are situated like scientific capital".