It has had to be the Association of Spanish Footballers (AFE) the one who have finish informing of the agreement by the readjustment salarial between the FC Barcelona and all the players of the first team and of the filial. "The club has reached a definite agreement with the staff of the first and second team to differ the payment of his wages during the next years", wrote this Friday.

The AFE has formed part of this process of negotiation between the club barcelonista and his footballers and have wanted to leave clear that, in spite of the discount of this course, in the deal have guaranteeed the whole salaries of all the players. "The footballers affected have guaranteeed that will earn all what have stipulated in his agreements", informed from the union.

The sindical organism also wanted to stand out the commitment of the changing room of the first team and of the second of the FC Barcelona, that had the will to negotiate at all times. "It is necessary to stand out the effort made by the footballers of the first and second team, at all times opened to negotiate to find the best solution for the parts, and also is necessary to stand out to the own club to having arrived to an agreement by which the footballers will not see recortados his wages", commented.

In other words the players of the Barça will earn all the money that forgive this campaign 2019/2020 along the next years. Although it does not specify in the writing, seems that the Barcelona will earn until the last euro of his wage although they leave the club. One of the problems of this readjustment was precisely the incógnita that supposed for many not knowing if they went to earn in case to abandon the group culé, something that seems that finally it will do occur what occur.

No all the footballers voted in favour of the agreement

Nevertheless, in the communiqué of the Association of Footballers matizaron with a "mostly", that no all the footballers of the Barça and of the filial have voted in favour of this agreement. "The deal reached this Friday in the afternoon after the players of both staff have voted mostly in favour to accept the last proposal presented by the club", affirmed.