The meeting between the Barcelona and the Paris Saint-Germain, contested the apsado Tuesday and with a favourable result for the French, by a marker of 1-4, had a viewer of luxury, since Neymar could not participate in the same and had to see it from house. Although it did not play, the Brazilian could be sanctioned by the UEFA.

The reason of the possible punishment that would carry Neymar resides in a pair of tweets that the Brazilian player made while it contested the party, in which it questioned the decision of the referee Björn Kuipers to signal the penal that Kurzawa committed on Of Jong. The messages of the exjugador of the Barcelona in the social network were "this penalti is a prank" and "goal of shit".

The UEFA could receive to the article 11 of his Disciplinary Code, which establishes that they can sanction "Insults or any another behaviour that violates the basic norms of behaviour". If the continental organism studies the posts of Neymar and determines that they are violativos to his rule, the carioca could be sanctioned with the opening of a file and a suspension of two parties.

What could save to Neymar

A situation that plays in favour of Neymar, regarding the possible decision of the UEFA to take actions correctivas in his against, is the one of the fact that it erased the tweets that did minutes afterwards to publish them. Although this does not erase the notorious fact that the player used his social networks to criticise a referee's decision, if it can be taken in account by the continental organism to the hour take a decision.

Anyway, it is a behaviour that would not have to come from of a professional player, since the mediatización of his messages is imminent and if these contain information and offensive language, are not corretos. In spite of this, Neymar posteó the tweets in question and later, corrected his decision.