Using the irony, the official account of Twitter of the group espanyolista published a message in which they regret for "having lost two points home". Said writing went joined to several emoticonos of celebration and the hashtag #Nuncaloentenderéis

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Ticket - Entrances RCD Espanyol vs FC Barcelona - Glass
Ticket - Gone in for all the parties of the FC Barcelona

It seems that in the actuality, for important public characters as well as entities the play with the social networks and launch message of humour and ironic is very fashionable. After the "hammer" between Gerard Hammered and Álvaro Arbeloa and other events that have been news in the known social network Twitter, the RCD Espanyol has wanted to put the finger in the sore after the tie to zero in front of the FC Barcelona of the past Saturday.

And it is thus that shortly after finish the party, the person commissioned to manage this type of networks went up a clearly ironic message to the party that finish to contest . As it can read , "we are very fastidiados, have lost two points home" was what prayed the tuit followed of several emoticonos of celebration and the hashtag #Mainohoentendreu (Never will understand it).

Beside this, the writing went accompanied of the promotional video of the picture blaquiazul "the wonderful minority". Said tuit did not take in running like the gunpowder by all Twitter being strongly criticised by Barcelona fans as well as praised by inflate of the own Espanyol.

But this was not the only controversy that lived in the networks during the derbi. The sportive mark that saw to the "pericos", Joma, published another tuit of the cual would see posteriomente forced to clear. In the first can see a photography in which Mascherano is holding to the central Álvaro and in which they did reference to the "durability" of the T-shirt. After being criticised, the company wanted to clear that it was not his itención the one to generate any controversy neither tamporo injure sensitivities.