The usual home of the FC Barcelona, the Spotify Camp Nou, as it already is widely known, is being subjected to a necessary process of renewal that expects that it finalise in the year 2026. However, in the meantime, the Barcelona club looks forward to to return to his usual home on 29 November 2024, but with a capacity limited.

In this sense, has given to know that the works to charge of the Turkish constructor Limak are advancing according to the terms presupuestados in the leaf of route culé, by what, as it expressed in his moment, as long as it do not occur an event of greater strength, the Barcelonan cast would have to go back to his home in the postrimerías of the next year. Of this way, expects that for these dates, in 2024, the fans of the Catalan club can live a totally different experience to which perceives at present.

Nevertheless, in the actuality, in spite of the progress of the works, the images and the surroundings of the stadium evoke nostalgia. Far of the usual environment navideño that was used to to impregnate the Spotify Camp Nou and his surroundings from his inauguration in 1957, observes a panorama more desolador.

How it is at present the Spotify Camp Nou?

In the actuality, the mythical Barcelona stadium finds half derruido, without his third gradería, full of operarios, cranes and a lot of dust. This is necessary, obviously, to carry to good term the works, but also is true that the current situation hits so much to the fans as to the transeúntes, those who surprise and remain impressed by the current state of the emblematic feudo culé.