Ronaldinho Does not stop. After having exerted as it illustrate ambassador of the FC Barcelona to improve the mark Barça in United States visiting the All-Star and participating also in the signature of the agreement with Mission Hills in China, the Brazilian star will go back to be "drafted" again, although this time no by the Barcelona, to make another international trip.

In a country whose big sport is the crícket, Pakistan, Ronaldinho will assist to diverse acts with the aim to improve the football in the Asian country. His visit has been organised by "Leisure Leagues", organism with base in Great Britain that organises tournaments with teams from among 5 and 7 players.

Ronaldinho, with Pakistan like next destination

"Yes, I confirm that Ronaldinho will come to Pakistan, the details will be made public próximamente", has recognised in the last hours a representative of Leisure Leagues to "AFP Shahrukh Sohail". During the next month of April will organise therefore split in the main cities of Pakistan: Karachi, Islamabad and Lahore, although Ronaldinho could not being present in all.

The question is that the own Ronaldinho already has spread in the last hours a video through his social networks, in which it appears showing a flag of Pakistan and ensure the following: "Pakistan, already arrive".

To his 36 years, Ronaldinho Gaúcho follows carrying out this type of institutional acts in spite of have not announced still of official way that hangs the boots. The Barça made a good "signing" with him when incorporating him like ambassador of the club.