The FC Barcelona announced recently the measures of security and control of entrances that has established the Managerial Board for those parties considered of high risk. It is the case of the Barça-Manchester United (Thursday, 18.45 hours), in which the partners credited that they yield his seat will have to do it through the new methodology.

The club has wanted to confirm by means of an official communiqué in his web that will have to do use of a form of cession and informing of the identity of the addressee. The cession of the credit will be able to make to a partner or to a no partner. Once effected the cession, will not be able to recover neither change the addressee, and the access to the Camp Nou will go to name of the person addressee.

To access to the stadium, the person that have received the credit has to carry: the form form or digital, the carné of partner -his or the one of the title-, the carné of the credit and the DNI own, documents that can ask of random form. All this step will do to avoid that some partners sell his entrances to interested visitors, something that sucedió in the past Europe League in front of the Eintracht.

The club remembered that for the fulfillment of the protocol that works in parties of high risk, have not sold entrances to the English followers in zones that can mix with partners and fans culés. The 4.255 fans of the United that have of entrance will be situated in the zone of the third gradería of the Goal South, with exclusive utilisation of the Access 21 to go in in the Spotify Camp Nou.

The official recommendations of the club

In spite of the schedule of start of the party to the 18.45 h, the Club recommends to arrive with the sufficient antelación to the Stadium to avoid tails and can access to the place assigned of staggered form. To exception of the zone visitor, that will open two hours before, the doors of the Spotify Camp Nou will open to the 17:15 hours.

Also it recommends , whenever it was possible, opt by the utilisation of the public transport and remembers that the lines of metre that can use are the 9, the 3 and the 5, that have stopped in Collblanc, Badal, Zone Universitària , Palau Reial, Maria Cristina and Them Corts, in addition to the buses and the TRAM.

In case to come in car and do not have credit of parking, asks not detaining the particular vehicles in the entrance of the accesses to the Spotify Camp Nou to download passage.

It is also important to access to the Stadium through the Access, the Door and the Mouth that indicate in the entrance or in the carné of credit.

It recommends have near at hand the entrance or the carné of partner and credit, as well as the document of identity in the controls of access to the Stadium, because the Club can review the identity of the assistants to avoid a bad use.