The referee prepares tactical, physical and emotionally for a party in which it will have to have put the cincos senses and in which it will be court duramente after the rumours arisen does a month of favours to the Madrid. His preparation will be key to hold the pressure

The Classical - Gone in / Ticket FC Barcelona vs Real Madrid
The Classical - Gone in / Ticket Real Madrid vs FC Barcelona
Ticket - Gone in for all the parties of the FC Barcelona

The referee of the Real Madrid-FC Barcelona will be an old known for both teams, David Fernández Borbalán. A man that at present is crossing a big physical state and anímico and that will put it to proof this Saturday 21 November to the 18.15 hours. For this hammers trained so much his fitness like the mental, thanks to a "coach" that the federation offers to the referee's community.

And it is that the pressure of all a country will be on the shoulders of a normal man. It is thus that will depend a lot of his form to be that the meeting no go him of the hands. Those that know him define it like a stable "person, simple, simple, affable and near". For him, all the meetings are the most important parties of the world. Besides, the mates that work with him stand out that ?It is in a moment of form especially strong for him to emotional level?.

By what does to his form, the past Tuesday happened the physical proofs to which subjects the CTA to the referees of first and second. It did it with note and thanks to this, although already it expected , was designated like the referee of the Classical. One of his mates in the "stage" of pre-season, to the that quotes the newspaper "Sport" without give his name, affirms that ?A player can hide , but a referee never. This carries them to be always very very placed, frescos". And there is not referee cooler at present that Borbalán.

According to this same source, the referees ?They are, usually, those that more run. Even more than the players?". Able men to run between oce and twelve kilometres in each party and that take care far of the terrains of game. Like the referee almeriense that carries time preparing his feeding for the most important party of his life. The which arbitrates each weekend.