Aleix Vidal has been descartado by third consecutive occasion in the list of summoned of Luis Enrique, and the situation of the player tarraconense begins to be worrisome in the FC Barcelona, where does not have of minutes from the defeat suffered by the Barça against the Sportive Alavés (1-2) in League Santander, when it played the ninety minutes.

To tenor of the rhythm of the events, the most likely is that the FC Barcelona yield or traspase to Aleix Vidal during the market of winter and bring to a new right side, with the technical secretary, Robert Fernández, that already has controlled to several possible options.

From the club, however, trusts still in that the footballer can change his current status in the Barcelona staff, to base of more work in the sessions of training to try convince to Luis Enrique that it summon him.

Precisely the Asturian technician seemed to send a message to Aleix Vidal during the past press conference, asking him more "work" and sacrifice in the entrenos. "All the players have to improve his performance, all, without exception, individual and collectively", said then "Struggle". If Aleix Vidal improves suddenly his attitude in said sessions, therefore, no descarta that the conflict between both can resolve.