The central of the FC Barcelona agreed of Granary and Arbeloa after achieving his third World-wide of Clubs FIFA. I hammered it went up to his personal account of Twitter a tuit in which it went back to generate controversial using the hashtag #paramisusperiores. New direct attack to his critics

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The central of the FC Barcelona Gerard Hammered always finish for surprising and surpass when anybody expects it to him. After all the controversy created with Arbeloa and his "cone-cido" together with the back reply of Granary without coming to tale, now has contraatacado and publishing a tuit in his personal account of Twitter doing reference to all the controversy with several emoticonos and a simple hashtag.

What the defender wrote in his timeline did not go more than many emoticonos referents to titles and in the end the label #paramissuperiores. Something that has run like the gunpowder by all the social network achieving more than 27 one thousand retuits and 20 one thousand favourites in little more than an hour.

Everything comes of the tuit published by the player of the Real Sociedad Esteban Granary, the one who to defend to his ex mate and fellow Álvaro Arbeloa of the mockery of Hammered published a photography of the white defender with the Champions League achieved in 2014, alluding to the zaguro blaugrana asked him that it respected "to his upper". Something that did that big part of the tide blaugrana in the social network dumped in his against.

I hammered it went back to show that it is not of which bites the tongue and went back to use the piquilla of the football for cachondearse of his detractores. Perhaps Arbeloa himself had reason when in his day imagined to Gerard Hammered in the club of the comedy. All could happen...