The one who went goalkeeper of the FC Barcelona in the last seasons visited to the crack Argentinian to give him spirits in his recovery after the injury in front of The Palms. It was the reunion go in Paint and Messi, two big friends, and that remained inmortalizado by the mobile of the Andalusian

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Little it had left see in the actuality blaugrana the exportero of the FC Barcelona Jose Manuel Paint after desvincularse of the Barcelona entity to finals of the 2013-2014 and withdraw of the football in active. Centred in his music and his group of rap, by where if it is more active the one of Cádiz is in his profile of Twitter, where shares daily his reflections, actions solidarias and other performances of emprendeduría. And in one of these updates of state has gone up a photo beside his fellow Leo Messi.

With the title "Visiting to my fellow Leo", the exfutbolista of the Barça shared with all his fans a photo beside the crack of Rosario, to the that can him see in the sofa of his house. It did time that both did not coincide and Paint wanted to that it went now, when Messi needs more affection because of the injury that did in front of the UD The Palms two weeks ago. Both shared a while pleasant.

Surely that the good of Jose Manuel Paint explained him to Leo all his current life, where has centred more in acts solidarios and in his own music under the name of Paint "Wahin". His orgaización no yielding, 'Sees to by your dreams', follows more alive that never and each little realzia acts solidarios as they are the collected of clothes for people that do not have, and where the last time arrived to donar two tonnes of this.

It fits to remember that I Paint it was a fundamental piece inside the FC Barcelona of Josep Guardiola and the back trainers. No already by his qualities under the pales, which sometimes left a lot that wish, but for being the axis vertebrador of the Barcelona changing room and eregirse in the "father" and responsible man of the group that headed Leo Messi. Definitely, the exguardameta is very wanted in Can Barça and in Can Messi, where apparently always has the open door.