Joe Cole, ex player of the Liverpool, has explained through the Podcast 'The Greatest Game with Jamie Carragher' an anecdote of the day in which fichó by the picture 'network' pertinent of Chelsea FC, in 2010. An experience that remained recorded in the memory of the player by the euphoria of the fans of the that went his new club.

During an extensive interview, Carragher urged him to remember the first day of School in Merseyside and between laughs explained the anecdote: "you Remember the day that signed and carried you to the city and went to eat? There were fans throughout approaching to you. This is Liverpool. You said: 'Damned was, will be better that play well, think that have fichado to Messi!'".

In the conversation, Joe Cole also took advantage of to admit that "it had liked me play in the Liverpool beside Luis Suárez and Raheem Sterling in the front of attack". Circumstances like his cession to the Lille and West Ham and suffer of several injuries prevented him make his dream when it joined to the English club.

All surrendered to the feet of the '10'

The considered like the best footballer of the world, Lionel Messi, always has hoarded the focuses thanks to his incredible talent. And still to his 34 years, follows exhibiting a football that no for to marvel to all in the globe. The '10' has won it everything to individual level and community, except the Glass of the World that escaped him in front of Germany in Brazil 2014.

After heaving the Glass America in front of Brazil in the Maracaná, and have harvested the title of maximum goleador, asistidor and better player of the tournament, his name is the most ebullient. So it is so his way to the Balloon of Gold is had for the '10'. Hardly somebody can compete him in the premiación. And now, it is to only a step to renew with the Barcelona club.