Very moving words heard this Tuesday to the midday when Jordi Cruyff, son of Johan, remembered to his father and appreciated to all the world of the football his support and affection. The primogénito spoke on the realisation of the Memorial for his father and wanted to appreciate to the FC Barcelona the have explained always first with the family. Also it affirmed that so much the ex trainer like the club arrived to a final embrace after desavenencias past.

Jordi Cruyff read the following communiqué:

"Thank you very much For coming today. A reason of sadness very big in my family. Some words for all the family. We have found some enormous samples of affection and of respect. My father wanted that all was very deprived in the last days. But andntendemos that Johan is not alone ours but is of all. Therefore we have decided to do this act today. Especially for the people that loved to my father, that were the fans of the football and of the Fundació".

"Some words of gratitude. Especially to the doctor Tramullas, that chose a group of doctors to try combat this illness. We are very happy by his work. Some words of affection to the Teonon, that have been very discreet and affectionate. Also for the nurses, that have been very positive as it wanted my father".

"Also to the media, thank you for respecting, the 99 percent have known to respect the privacy. Thank you very much By the affection and for knowing until where arrives the work".

"Give the thanks to the Barça for giving access to the installations and the acts with complicity of the family. It is important, because there are people that is doing things by himself same and do not represent to the family".

"Between the Barça and Cruyff himself there was a final embrace in these last months. The ojito right of my father has been his Foundation. A lovely agreement end between the Foundation Cruyff, the Barça and the Social Work of La Caixa. It was his last signature being alive. And it was one of the most special because it was his ojito right. Our family knows that it has to follow this work with the boys that need it. It was superorgulloso of this final agreement. It gave him peace. It was a final embrace, that arrived late but arrived".

"Appreciate all the acts all over the world. My father has been an inspiration for a lot of people. If it was here it would be superorgulloso. We are very happy by how has reacted the people. Impressed and thrilled".

"The Barça, the Ajax and the Dutch selection have been his three big loves futbolísticos. Already we knew that my father was difficult with the directives, but always had a lot affection with the fans and with all the world that worked in the world of the football".

"Thank you very much By everything. Johan is not alone ours. It is of all".