The technician of the FC Barcelona, Luis Enrique Martínez, is to a victory to arrive to the 100 points in league like míster of the Barça. In front of the Málaga and home has the opportunity. Only nine technicians have achieved to arrive to such figure in the Barcelona bench

Ticket - Gone in FC Barcelona vs Málaga - League J2
Ticket - Gone in for all the parties of the FC Barcelona

Who went him to say to Luis Enrique in the month of January that seven months afterwards would be still in the bench of the FC Barcelona and of the way that has done it. And it is that after surpassing a big crisis, the Asturian technician capitaneó to his until the achievement of the three titles, obtaining 94 points in a league of which at the beginning of year seemed desahuciado.

They are precisely these points those that, added to the three obtained the past Sunday in Saint Mamés in front of the Athletic, give him the opportunity to the Asturian to go in inside the TOP 10 of Barcelona trainers in League. If his team achieves the victory in front of the Málaga Struggle will have in his have 100 points since it is trainer of the Barça, equalising with the abortive Tito Vilanova.

Luis Enrique will add to a selecto group where, in addition to Vilanova and as it aims the newspaper Sport, already are Johan Cruyff, Josep Guardiola, Frank Rijkaard, Marinus Miches, Terry Venables, Ferdinand Daucik, Helenio Herrera and Josep Samitier. After equalising to "Tito", the following in the list is a Samitier that achieved 117 points during the decadas of the 30 and 40.

Worry by the drops in defence

But to be able to achieve the victory, "Struggle" will have to think first in organising a defence where has four sensitive low as they are the ones of Douglas, Adriano, Dani Alves and Gerard Hammered, and to which can him add Sergio Busquets that in case that it do not recover could trastocar all the Barcelona system. The three points to arrive to the 100 do not go to be at all easy.