The season 2020-2021 already finished, and a lot of footballers have taken advantage of his holidays for going out to visit world, some paradises playeros or be with his families. However, there are others that have opted for remaining in his cities beside his gathered.

One of these, is the central of the Barcelona, Gerard Hammered, the one who, in spite of remaining in said city, has taken advantage of his free time to gather with one of his immediate friends: The streamer Ibai Flat.

So much the central of the combined Barcelona like the streamer, have not doubted in sharing an image of his meeting in his social networks, where appear both in what it seems to be the recibidor of a restaurant in Barcelona.

The first in going up the image has been Ibai in his account of Instagram, the one who has not doubted in kidding of his photography with the footballer. An image that in hardly an hour has reached the more than 500.000 "likes me". "With my uncle the one of the village that has forced me to come to the communion of my prime", has written the streamer in the publication of the image.

The answer of Hammered on his house

Gerard Hammered was the first person that Ibai Flat for his program that transmits via Twitch, 'Chatting quietly', where has spoken with other personalities of the football like Sergio Bouquets, the "Kun" Agüero and Paulo Dybala. Also it has arrived to interview to the presenter of "The Chiringuito" Josep Pedrerol, between other personalities.

By his part, Hammered has gone out to eat with Ibai, and after seeing his comment in the social networks, has not doubted in answering as better knows to do it, with a troleo: "To Ibai Flat does not like him go out to eat was", has answered in facetious tone in front of the serious face of his fellow in his account of Twitter. Afterwards of this, the photography of both has done viral within a matter of minutes, leaving incógnitas like the reason of his meeting; which can treat simply of a meeting between both.

It is not the first time

When the Barcelona won the Glass of Rey, Hammered troleó to Ibai by social networks. I hammered and Ibai published captures of messages that sent this night. The central of the Catalan square published a first message with the following message: "Lessons, the just Ibai Flat". In the same publication the Barcelona accompanied a pantallazo of the message that had sent him Ibai to the moment to finalise the Glass of Rey.

In this capture could read : "good-looking Congratulations. You do not take out a trumpet in the celebration cabrones", wrote him Ibai to Hammered, which answered him: "I Go to take out what go out me of the coj**". Shortly after it shared another pantallazo of the conversation with Ibai, where could read : "Those that glasses carry on … With sincerity". I hammered it answered him with an image to Ibai, in which it can see the Top-10 footballers with more titles in the history and in which it appears Hammered with 35, answering him that carried "35 glasses".