The one who went referee of First Division, Sergi Albert Jiménez, has surprised ensuring in an interview that Jiménez Muñoz of Morals, the vocal of the Committee of Referees to the one who have accused of pressures to benefit to the Real Madrid, is simpatizante of the FC Barcelona

The Classical - Gone in / Ticket FC Barcelona vs Real Madrid
The Classical - Gone in / Ticket Real Madrid vs FC Barcelona
Ticket - Gone in for all the parties of the FC Barcelona

In statements conceded to "Esports COPE" and collected by distinct Spanish means like the newspaper "Marks", the one who was does some collegiate years of First Division, Sergi Albert Jiménez, has denied categorically the veracity of the indictments poured by the judge of anonymous line against of the vocal of the Committee of Referees, Jiménez Muñoz of Morals, ensuring that this even said "publicly" that it is simpatizante of the FC Barcelona.

"These things help less to our credibility and neutrality. Me odd how has gone all because without proofs go out... If salts is because really it has been like this, am surprised but when the river sounds water carries. Something there is", has commented Sergi Albert. In any case, the ex referee has left clear that it is possible that yes exist the pressures.

"To me never it happened me at all. But yes I know that in my period to some referee had called him, but there is not neither proofs neither complaint of this. Hardly this referee will go back to pitar. At present, a linesman of first level can win 150.000 to the year. Risk to lose this, means that probably there are pressures". But it has wanted to defend to Jiménez Muñoz of Morals.

"That it speak of José Ángel Jiménez Muñoz of Morals still does that it understand less the things. It is of my period. It is a ready man, with career, a man, for me, smart and intelligent and besides is of the Barça. It has said it publicly. In a meeting somebody threw him a stone and recognised first of all the world that was of the Barça, that was neutral, but simpatizaba".