Finally, this Tuesday 5 October, Pau Gasol announced officially his retreat of the professional basketball in press conference. The legendary player confirmed what already anticipated the multiple speculations: "Today I am here to communicate you what have been able to anticipate: that I go me to withdraw of the professional basketball".

"It is a difficult decision to take after so many years. It is a decision meditada. It is necessary to know change of course and know enjoy. I wanted to finish playing, no in crutches and with operations". "I am very appreciated of this opportunity, to be able to play again in the Barça. It is something very special", added the player while the auditorium undid in applauses of breath in front of a sample of emotion of Pau.

Act followed, Gasol appreciated to the media by his work, to the fans that have "done him feel special" when the pavilions vibrate in each meeting that contests. "All the fisios, utilleros, sponsors, directors... All have done your work and to that the team always worked. Thanks to you", it continued the basquetbolista.

Special quotation

During his speech, Pau Gasol did special quotation to a legend of the basketball, that made history and that today yace in the hearts of million fans around the world, Kobe Bryant: "it Wanted to do a special quotation to the mate Kobe Bryant because it had to be here.... But like this it is the life".

"We throw a lot of less so much to him as to his daughter Gigi. He taught me to be a better competitor and a winner. I have considered him a greater brother. Thank you Kobe", added Pau mention the auditorium again burst in applauses by the moving moment in which it appointed to the died player.


"Further of titles and medals that have been able to form part of them, the truly important is the day in day out. Enjoy the present, the moment and with the people that want. This is what go to do from now on and will be still in this. Thank you very much", aseveró Gasol.

"This is not a goodbye, is a follow. We close the stage of player but there are a lot of things that follow opened. The possibilities to do important things are many. That is the illusion that have", concluded the legendary player of the FC Barcelona, one of the biggest basquetbolistas of the history that today sacks of the sport.