I hammered and Ibai No only have been fellow, but they also have become partners in important subjects like the Glass America or the debut of Messi in Tie it 1 and now will undertake new projects in common.

In specific, both will join to carry out together projects like the acquisition of a team of LoL, that has been the first of all. The streamer Basque finalises agreement with the agency Vizz the next 31 December and although this does not mean that Kosmos go to be the new agency of this, if that will work in a conjoint project.

Said society goes to be, definitely some to, one of the couples more ilusionantes in the commercial terrain and, especially, of entertainment in the social networks. With the Glass Davis already Hammered showed win them that has of innovar and think to the big.

By his part, of Ibai is difficult to say at all that it have not said already: The streamer has fixed them to him to demolish the door of each project in which it has involved and right now, in terms referents to communication and entertainment, is one of the main celebrities of Spain and his fame grows by the world.

Everything began... No with Kevin Roldán, but with the Glass America. Gerard Hammered, attained to achieve the rights of television of the tournament, that had remained without owner in Spain, and decided to do a proof and to issue them free by the channel of Twitch of Ibai. Like this they achieved a total of 507.430.

Afterwards of this success announced that, together with Telecinco, went to broadcast of conjoint form the debut of Messi with the PSG. Afterwards, they attained that the audencia that obtained cuadruplicara (but of two million expectadores saw the party). Between his last together projects is the acquisition of a space in the Superliga of LoL. I hammered and Ibai go to build a solvent team for this competition. There is not doubt that the society between both promises a lot of more surprises.