This Sunday, the FC Barcelona achieved an important victory against the Leganés but, as it already comes being usual, tried take out tip to the most minimum detail to discredit the victory culé. In this case it was the goal of Luis Suárez in the second time after finishing a loose ball, striking after his shot to the rival goalkeeper, Iván Cuéllar.

A lot of journalists and players of the Leganés angered a lot because the VAR dictaminó that the goal was legal, but seems that few darse of the 'show' that mounted the goalkeeper 'pepinero' in the terrain of game. After the action, in which it was struck by Luis Suárez, remained tended in the terrain of game, but the well came afterwards.

After the action, Cuéllar carried the hands in command leaving clear that the Barcelona forward had struck him in the face. Shortly after, when the referee still was listening the pertinent assessments of the VAR, complained of the arm, asking the medical assistances with ostensibles gestures of pain. His ailments had extended mysteriously of the head to the arm.

This yes, when Of Boroughs Bengoetxea gave goal, the goalkeeper of the Leganés recovered quickly without asking the replacement. For what follow with the show when all the fish was sold, truth? Minutes later, had time also to assault to the own Luis Suárez with a charged with the shoulder and to Jordi Alba in the same played before taking out of door. The same it did not hurt him so much.

The goal of Luis Suárez was legal

After the meeting, the army of journalists took advantage of the action to complain of the victory of the FC Barcelona, but the true is that the goal was legal. It seems that Recio, after his words, invited to the 'planet football' to play to be referee without having it been in the life. It was here where the bufandeo saw -as always- reflected in the opinions.

The true is that Suárez finished transparently, although afterwards it struck to a Cuéllar that arrived late. In 'Sportive Carousel', the ex referee Iturralde González, did not have doubts in signalling the goal like legal. "There is back contact to the finish and the VAR does not see clear and self-evident error", declared, adding that "the goalkeeper contests the balloon of knees, played very grey that the VAR did not see like a clear and self-evident error".