Ivan Rakitic is in luck. The Croatian midfield player arrives to the 200 parties with the T-shirt of the FC Barcelona in a state of form envidiable, and having consecrated like an indispensable footballer to the orders of Ernesto Valverde in the centre of the field. Now, it has conceded an interview to the newspaper 'Sport' in which it has valued how is going him since it landed in the Camp Nou.

With the one of this Thursday in front of The Palms, already are 200 the parties of Rakitic with the Barça: "I did not put me a number. What want to is to go always to by much more. It is an impressive number. If somebody had said me that a bit more than three years and half after arriving arrived to 200 parties had said him 'explain me the following joke'. The only that wish is to go to by much more and that do not stop never", explains.

"If somebody had said me that would arrive to the 200 parties with the Barça..."

It remembers which were the two more thrilling parties for him. "The most thrilling... There is varied, but one very thrilling and different was to confront for the first time to the Seville, here playing home. And afterwards playing, clear, the final of Champions in Berlin. I think that these two parties", signals, taking into account that he was one of the goleadores against the Juventus in the final of Berlin.

It suffered especially the past season in Champions League. "We have suffered in a lot of parties, but yes can stand out the parties against the PSG or against the Juve, that have hurt a lot. With all the respect, went through us on and have not enjoyed at all, but there have been moments and parties that have been very complicated also in the League and have enjoyed little. But also it touches sometimes!".

Messi and the best of the world, in the Barça

For him, the best players of the world are in the Barça. "Stand out one is very complicated, what himself fills you of pride that is to say that the best have them with you. And it is more beautiful to have them in your team that confront you to them. Besides they are fellow and for real that they are it!".

From the beginning, it wanted to have good tuning with Leo Messi on the lawn. "Of the assistances that more agree you, especially, is of the first parties, where want to begin well. And Leo and all your mates can take confidence in you. I agree me of an assistance in The Coruña from out of the area that Read cabecea. And a his for me home against the Granada. One wants to connect well and these moments remain you ".

The PSG complicated the things to the Barça

It stands out to the PSG like the hardest rival to the that has confronted . "The best that has played us has been the PSG. No by the result, but by the way that played us. Here, knowing also to the míster, that know that it had studied it very well, as sometimes it is necessary to say 'chapeau'. They went through us on by game. Afterwards we gave it back to him, but is a history separate because they there played very well".

And it explains which are some of his manias like footballer. "Of more youngster had many more, but yes put me first the average of the left leg, afterwards the right… Afterwards step the first lawn always with the right leg. And already in the field me santiguo".