In words offered to the just media after erigirse like main artífice of the victory of the FC Barcelona in the field of the Sportive Union The Palms, Luis Suárez valued the importance of the triumph harvested in Canarian earths and ensured that, at the end, the parties suffered are "those that finish you giving Leagues". "To win titles it is necessary to suffer and carry a pair of parties out of house suffering, but the beautiful is that we conquer the victory".

"Always it is beautiful to play of a different way when the party is easy, but these parties give you the Leagues and tambien enjoy ", analysed the ariete charrúa of the FC Barcelona, happy by the final result and also by the fact to having seen again door, although it could him see during the party regret more than an occasion wasted.

"The important is to play all the possible and if it is helping with goals and assistances, as much better", remembered, and ensured that the tiredness is not excuse when the level and the intensity in the game go down, since the motivation has to keep the physical requirements to line to follow competing.

"It is not excuse but know that we carry a lot of party in the last month and half. But the player what wants to is to play and have continuity. Play all the possible", signalled. Luis Suárez already accumulates 25 goals this season in League BBVA and is serious applicant to do with the Boot of Gold.