Although it can sound odd, the club that will give off of Frenkie of Jong from the month of July of 2019, the Ajax of Amsterdam, has wanted to congratulate to the FC Barcelona through the social networks by the agreement to the that have arrived both teams, taking into account that Frenkie of Jong is one of the best young players of the international panorama.

The relations between the Ajax and the FC Barcelona are very good, and from here that the group 'ajacied', that did time that had assumed the course of Frenkie of Jong, have wanted to congratulate to the Barça by the operation. "Barça, enjoy the future like we do" (enjoys of the future as we do we), has been the message of the Dutch team through the social networks.

Of this way, proposes to the barcelonismo enjoy of an only footballer as it is Of Jong. The Ajax adds in his 'tweet' some "happinesses Frenkie", with which celebrates that his current player can be happy of face to the future, recalando in a club that will go him like ring to the finger to develop to the maximum his qualities futbolísticas with the step of the years.

On the other hand, it fits to stand out that the girlfriend of Frenkie of Jong, Mikky Kiemeney, has published also a message in the social networks, with which has celebrated that his boyfriend can be happy to the recalar in the club of his dreams. In the message, attaches an image in which it can see to both in the Camp Nou, after having witnessed a party of the FC Barcelona.

"30 nov. 2015, 3 years ago. We were to the Camp Nou like fans, and saw a party of the club of your dreams. 23 January 2019, today. The day that can explain him to the world that will play in the club of your dreams. You did reality this big dream. I can not expect to enjoy of each together minute. We go to live your dream", has written the couple of the footballer.

The Barça closes the 'serial Of Jong'

Day very happy, therefore, for Frenkie of Jong and also for all his surroundings. And, of course, for a FC Barcelona that puts end to some complicated negotiations that lengthened during months, and that carried a lot of headaches. Now, Of Jong will be player of the FC Barcelona from the next season. And can shout to the four winds.