The World-wide of Qatar poses a very particular challenge for the European clubs in the season 2022/23. The dispute of the tournament in winter forces to a stop of month and half until end of year and the directive of the FC Barcelona already works in the programming of a species of 'mini pre-season' around the middle of December with one or two friendly previous to the reinicio of LaLiga on 31 December, once conclude the Glass of the World.

In this sense, the Italian newspaper 'The Stampa' ensures that the Barça could play a friendly against the Juventus in London on 22 December. The same half had confirmed that the Juve and the Arsenal would see the faces five days before (the 17) in the Emirates Stadium, contrasting with the version of 'RAC1' that signalled to the 'gunners' as rival culé this same day. The true is that the three teams could see the faces this week in London before the resumption of his respective leagues.

The Premier returns on 26 December with the traditional 'boxing day', whereas the Series To will expect until 4 January to take action in a very intense month with until six days. Barça and Arsenal are leaders of his leagues, whereas the group 'bianconeri' leaves third in the Italian tournament, to 10 points of the leader Napoli. In theory, the ones of Xavi Hernández would have to explain for then with varied of his international mundialistas, although all will depend on cuán far attain to arrive his selections.

The culés add 16 present players in Qatar, seven of them with Spain. Low countries and France are the others selections with multiple presence blaugrana (2), whereas Germany, Brazil, Denmark, Poland and Uruguay are the other countries that have summoned, for the moment, to players of the Barça. The list could grow in the next days, considering the plague of injuries desatada in the previous days to the beginning of the tournament.

The Barça would go back to measure to the Juve

To concretise the friendly in December against the Juventus, would be the second party in the semester against the 'Vecchia Signora' after the party contested in July in Dallas (2-2) during turns it American blaugrana. Ousmane Dembélé And Moise Kean converted in duplicate in an entertained crash that, although it was dominated by the Barça, denoted fail in defence that afterwards would repeat in the travesía European in Champions.