With the will to participate in the mediation of the existent conflict between Spain and Catalonia, that is starring the European actuality from does days, the FC Barcelona has adhered to an initiative promoted by the School of Lawyers of Barcelona, that has like aim recess the climbing of tension that is living Catalonia after the police repression and the demonstrations summoned during the 'general unemployment' of the Tuesday.

The initiative in question, proposal by the School of Lawyers of Barcelona, has like will the creation of a commission that do of mediator in the political conflict between the central government and the Catalan, boosting the dialogue and the understanding between both parts.

"The FC Barcelona, like sportive entity concerning Catalonia, engaged with the values of the respect, the dialogue and the convivencia, has adhered today to the 'Independent Commission for the Mediation, the Dialogue and the Conciliation'. This Commission, promoted by the Illustrate School of the Legal profession of Barcelona, has like aim find an exit pactada to the current political situation", has begun saying the communiqué of the Barça.

"Of this way, the Club adds to the group of entities of the Catalan civil society that this morning, headed by the dean Mª Eugenia Gay, have constituted this Commission, and between which find the Universities of Barcelona and the Autonomous, the Council of the Catalan Legal profession, the unions UGT and CCOO in Catalonia, PIMEC, the Camera of Trade of Barcelona, the Association for the United Nations in Spain or the School of Economists, among others", finalises the writing of the Barça.

The Barça, the first club in adhering

In some words conceded to 'The Avant-garde', Gay has explained that "in the board of the Icab have members of all the ideologies, represent the feel of all the political parties and understand that the dialogue and the reflection are indispensable to go out of this situation". The FC Barcelona is the first club of football that has adhered to the cause promoted by the School of Lawyers of Barcelona.