From the creation of the World Compliance Association the things have changed a lot to business level, with a greater transparency to the moment to handle the deal of the employees and especially listen his complaints, since the complaints as well as they shot , have begun to control.

This same institution shows a statistics in average for the companies or companies that have at least 1500 employees, being object of some five internal complaints every year and keeping this figure of stable form. As recently it has done , usual, the Barcelona presents numbers by on.

100 complaints in 5 years is what estimates for the Barcelona entity during the phenomenon caused by Bartomeu and Laporta, in which they began to know a big quantity of irregularities, mainly during the mandate of the first so that precisely it accelerated the arrival of the second.

"Head of Turkish" and "cover filths of others" are some of the sentences that reach to read in the newspaper PLOUGHS, commissioned to reveal the information. Besides, in spite of the change of directive, there is not greater difference in the labour environment according to the same report, that ensures that with Laporta keep some politics of "toxic leadership".

With Laporta himself can say that they began to destapar determinate things that happened in the past and now have to attack, many tied to possible acts of corruption with the institution, to what can go addition that to "cover filths of others", by what the work that has by in front the mandator, is complicated.

Regular roads

The Barcelona no only has a department of Compliance, but also in his usual space of human resources can arrive these complaints, something that seems to be part of the daily inside the company between labour bullying and some another additional detail that has dissatisfaction to the personnel of dispatches.