In spite of remaining desestimado, the project of creation of a Superliga European has not been exento of hurtful effects for the teams involved. For this, the UEFA already has designated three inspectors to determine what will occur finally with the FC Barcelona, the Real Madrid and the Juventus.

In fact, each one of them already has remitted his respective reports in front of the Committee of Control, Ethical and Discipline of the body rector of the European football. In principle, it thinks that one of the punishments that each club could receive would be the no participation in the next edition of the Champions.

After receiving the documents, the UEFA has ensured that it could have a rape of his rule, by what have opened a file sancionatorio to each one of the three institutions that, unlike the others nine, did not desist in his intention to carry advance the initiative.

The Committee will decide the future of Barça, Madrid and Juventus

Perhaps the less hard stage for the clubs would be the economic sanction, whereas the worst would be to see marginados to participate in the Champions. Each team already has received the reports and now are they those who have to expose his reasons in front of the Committee of Control, Ethical and Discipline.

Once received by part of UEFA, will proceed to dictaminar the sentence. Although there is not a date fixed for this, is possible that already there is a result before 26 August, for which is foreseen the draw of the phase of groups. From the body, explain that the decision will be taken by a collegiate body, although "it is empowered to take decisions if at least they are presents three of his members and in some circumstances, the president, one of the vice-presidents or one of the others members can take a decision like only judges".

Known the dictamen, the teams will be able to resort to the Court of Sportive Arbitration (TAS), that could dictaminar a lifting circunstancial of the sanction during the investigations. Of this way, will not see affected his participation, something similar to the occurred with the Manchester City in 2020 after the incumplimiento of the 'fair play financial'.