The daily "ACE" has published in the last hours that the Spanish Observatory against the Lgbtfobia has decided to report, in front of the State Commission against the Violence in the Sport, to the FC Barcelona because of the insults homófobos of "Christian maricón" that would have shouted a sector of the fans culé during the minute of silence to Johan Cruyff, and that caused the whistles of another sector of the fans against precisely of these people, when understanding that they were interrupting a moment very special in the history of the Barça.

"These regrettable and shameful facts are sancionables, according to the Law of the Sport (2007)", can read in the communiqué issued by the director of the Observatory Stoplgbtfobia, Francisco Ramírez, the one who remembers that from does long time in the fields of Spain "players and referees are reiteradamente abused with appellatives homófobos without that to day today there has been a public sanction and ejemplarizante, that finish with this continuous presence of the homofobia in the Spanish football".

On the supposed cries vejatorios to the sexual orientation of Cristiano Ronaldo, Ramírez has explained the following: "The homofobia does not involve necessarily that the people that suffer it are homosexual, but only that other people create it or use it to abuse, harass and humiliate". In his opinion, "results incomprehensible that there is a double vara to measure the intolerance in the sport, and that act with forcefulness and rapidity inusitada in cases of racism or xenofobia, but continue ignoring that the greater intolerance in the football in this moment is the homofobia".

The director of the quoted organisation, besides, puntualiza that it is worrisome that, to day of today, the word "homofobia" do not appear explicitly in the name of the Commission Antiviolencia and, that was easier for some people camuflarla inside the "general" sack of the intolerance. In this coyuntura, is possible that some homosexual footballers hide it in the big clubs to the not wanting to "give the go through not seeing prejudiced his sportive career or be object of mofa and insult".