The FC Barcelona has answered with firmness and has put sideways of his player Lionel Messi in the case of "the papers of Panama". Some documents by means of which several means of diverse countries of Europe (in Spain "The Confidential and The Sixth") gave a list of names that would have, purportedly, defrauded money through a buffete of Uruguayan lawyers.

After the own player issued a communiqué beside his family, the team blaugrana also has wanted to show him his support publciando the following text in his web page:

"In front of the news that it attributes to Leo Messi the creation of a structure societaria directed to promote, pretendidamente, an entramado to commit fiscal fraud, the FC self-evident Barcelona that:

1.- The Club trusts the arguments that has made public today, in a communiqué, the family Messi.

2.- From the first moment in that they made public the documents that linked to Leo Messi with 'The papers of Panama', the FC Barcelona has done to arrive his affection and solidarity to the player and to all his family. The Club has put to his disposal all his means of the juridical field, fiscal and official that can need to leave clear his performance and honorabilidad in this case".