Pep Guardiola made history like trainer of the FC Barcelona. It left a legacy that hardly will be able to equalise another trainer in a future. The game that deployed Xavi, Iniesta, Messi, Henry, Eto'or and company is something unforgettable. The Camp Nou enjoyed as never and could celebrate an infinity of titles.

This Thursday have been able to know what said Pep in his first day like trainer of the Barcelona. It has it desvelado Guillem Balagué, journalist and author of the biography of Pep Guardiola like trainer of the Barça ("Another way to win"). The speech, whole, voucher really the penalty.

The speech, whole

"Gentlemen, good morning. They can imagine the big motivation that is for me be here, train to this team. It is the maximum honour. Above all else, I love this club. And never I will take a decision that prejudice or go against of the club. All what go to do bases in my love by the Barcelona. We need and we want order and the discipline.

The team has gone through a period in that no all the world was so professional as it would have to have been. It is time to to run and give it everything. I have been part of this club for many years and am conscious of the errors that have done in the past. I will defend you until the death, but also can say that I go to be very demanding with all as I am it with me same.

Only I ask you this. I do not go you to throw the bronca if you lose a pass, or if you fail a clear that it cost us a goal as long as it know that you are giving 100%. I could forgive any error but will not forgive to the that do not deliver his heart and his soul to the Barcelona. I am not asking results, only performance. I do not go to accept to which especulen on the performance. This is the Barça, gentlemen, this is what asks of us, and this is what go to ask them. It is necessary to give it everything. A player in case same is not anybody, needs to his mates around. To each one of which are in this room. Many of you do not know me, so we go to use in the next days to form the group, a family. If somebody has some problem always am available, no only in sportive matter but professional and familiar".

"We are here to help us ones to others and ensure us that there is spiritual peace so that the players do not feel tensions or divisions. We are one. We do not do grupitos because in all the teams this is what finish killing the spirit of team. The players of this room are very good, if we can not win at all, will be ours fault. Are together when the times are difficult. We do not filter at all to the press. I do not want that anybody do the war by his account".

"We go to be joined, have faith in me. As ex player, have been in your place and know by what are happening. The style comes determined by the history of this club and go to be faithful to her. When have the balloon, can not it lose. When this suceda, it is necessary to run and recover it. This is everything, basically".