To the sportive problems that could come him to the FC Barcelona for falling deleted in eighth of final of the Champions League 2016-2017 add them the economic. As the Barcelona entity did not have presupuestado fall in this round in front of Paris Saint-Germain, what would comport a loss cuantiosa in shape economic.

Specifically, the culés would leave to win ten million euros in case of not being able to classify for the quarter-finals. This supposition was not contemplated in the Assembly of the entity celebrated the past 29 October, when it approved between other things the budget having the team, at least, in the following round of the maximum continental competition.

Specifically, and as it informs "MD", the Barça had 695 million euros of income by the 663 "kilos" of costs. In total, a profit of 21 millions that would reduce to eleven without adding other budgetary games that can appear of form improvised.

The accounts of the Barça would adjust

All this would do that the Barcelona had to adjust the pocket in his budget of the next year. It fits to stand out that of the last four years, only has happened with surplus in one, in which it won the orejona in 2014-2015. In 2013-2014 and 2015-2016 they squared the budgets whereas in the present, 2016-2017, in case to be deleted by the ones of Emery would go with losses.