Recently less than a year that announced that Clément Lenglet would be player of the FC Barcelona, but the central French already seems that it carry several seasons in the team. His adaptation has been vertiginous and like this is as it has achieved to win a place like titling indisputable at the side of Gerard Hammered.

This Saturday, in addition to completing a remarkable performance in front of the Real Sociedadmarked his first goal in the Camp Nou with the T-shirt of the FC Barcelona. For the ex of the Seville was a special day since, in spite of having marked also against the Cultural Leonese, do it in League and in front of his public weighed a lot.

"We want to be champions the before possible"

After the meeting, conceded some statements to the official television of the FC Barcelona, in which it recognised to feel thrilled for having premièred his account goleadora in the coliseo culé. "My first goal in the Camp Nou is special, clear, but the one who marked in the Glass in front of the Cultural also was beautiful for me because it was in the last minute", said.

Lenglet Admitted that his goal was important to psychological level, since it was second before finishing the first time and helped to encarar with spirits the resumption. "A goal before the rest always helps because the party was 0-0 and have been able to us put in advantage in front of a very difficult team and with quality", commented.

Besides, also it recognised that in the FC Barcelona there is haste for singing the alirón and celebrate the title, since there is a lot of work behind the leadership culé. "We want to be champions the fastest possible, but it is necessary to work to do it. Can finish this week and go to try do it to celebrate with our people", commented.

Lenglet, the total defence

It is possible that Gerard Hammered was the best head office of the world in these moments, but Clément Lenglet is being an escudero of true luxury for the Catalan. The French is to a big level and stands out in every aspect: has aerial game, technician to play the balloon, speed and defensive solvency. Attributes that have cost him be part of the eleven of gala of this season.